Resolve Error 5B02 MX377

Friend, today the admin find service printer with error 5B02, after browsing the finally found the problem, i.e. this printer ask for reset or in other words the printer has exceeded the maximum limit of prin.

For the problem is usually my friend will get to look like the image below, or would normally be incurred also information on the LCD panel on the printer.

Well the first step buddy must have Click Here To Download Resetter used to be here. After downloading the application buddy please follow the steps below:
1. make sure the printer is in a State of death.
2. Press and hold the RESET button, hold it up to the next command.
3. The position of the reset button depressed, press and hold down the POWER button as well (both depressed conditions).
4. The next step, hold down the POWER button keep PAL and press the RESET button as much as 5 times.
5. After pressing the RESET button 5 times, then release both buttons simultaneously and in laptop buddy there will be a new printer notif.
6. Ignore it, and follow the next step that is reset using the software.

Open the ServiceTool resetter PAL application download, and there will be display as below, and don't forget to prepare your paper several pieces:

Click "set" on the part of no. 1, continue to click on "set" on the No. 2 and the printer will print and will appear the words on the paper.

Okay the next step click on "set" at no. 3 and click "set" on the part of no. 4 printer will print again, and turn off the printer and the printer is ready for use ...

If your friend is experiencing error when clicking on "set" so buddy Fox wrote on the existing options. Such as the absorber in the image above right "Main" and the Fox maenjadi "Main_Black" and so on for the other error. If confused PAL could comment.

Hopefully useful ... ^_^

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